Only native human translators can provide top-notch translations for professional eCommerce stores.
Unbeatable prices for eCommerce translations into Spanish, French, Italian and German.
Get your eCommerce store translated by native Spanish, French, German, and Italian translators, with extensive experience in online marketing and international SEO.
Expert translation of all kind of retail eCommerce stores: jewellery, fashion, eyewear, shoes, technology, etc. Product catalogues (titles and descriptions), landing pages, SEO meta tags, legal conditions, templates, customer emails, newsletters, etc.
Comprehensive web translation services for the main eCommerce platforms: Shopify, Wordpress, Woo Commerce, Big Commerce, Prestashop, Magento, etc.
We are the perfect partner to translate your eCommerce. Accurate and attractive seo-friendly eCommerce translations for expanding companies. More than 20 years experience translating websites and marketing documents. Best prices guaranteed, with or without the help of the latest Neural Machine Translation technology. Let us help you go global.
We work with the most relevant eCommerce websites and online stores!
Shopify, Big Commerce, Wordpress WooCommerce, Wix, Prestahop, Magento and many more!
WooCommerce is the eCommerce plugin for Wordpress, the world's most popular CMS. To translate WooCommerce you will need a translation plugin like Polylang or WPML.
Shopify is an extremely popular eCommerce and comes ready for multilingual set-up. To translate Shopify you can install a plugin like Langify and/or hire native translators.
Prestashop is an excellent eCommerce and the most popular one in Spain. To translate Prestashop it is best to export the texts and send them off for professional translation.
Magento is a high quality eCommerce, perfect for large stores. To translate a Magento eCommerce, all you need to do is export the content and send it to a specialised agency for translation.
There's a lot to translate in an eCommerce store, and we can translate it all.
Targetted SEO and sales-oriented translation of product descriptions, user reviews, landing pages, emails...
Translating an eCommerce is far more complex than one could expect.
Unfriendly eCommerce platforms (many of them still unprepared for i18n), disseminated contents, etc.
The first step is always to analyze the website and understand the client' needs and priorities: quality? price? time-to-market?. We prefer to translate eCommerce websites the traditional way, through human translators, but we can apply cutting-edge NMT technology to reduce costs and deadlines, or adopt a hybrid approach.
You will need to export contents to XLS, XML or XLIF files, so translators work more efficiently (i.e. reduced translation costs). Some eCommerce platforms / plugins make this process easier than others (we wil help you).
Sometimes, before starting the translation itself, we carry out tests and other pre-translation processes to improve the quality of the original or build terminology glossaries, in order to reduce costs or improve translation quality.
eCommerce contents are assigned to specific translators: legal terms are translated by legal translators, landing pages are translated by marketing translators, product pages are translated by translators with field expertise, etc. All the translators in the team are native translators and proofreaders in the target language.
All translations undergo several layers of proofreading and finetuning, until all the goals of the project are achieved: country localization, style, terminology, SEO, etc.
Once the translated eCommerce website is up and running, we carry out quality reviews and usability tests, to ensure everything is perfect.
Only human translators, local native speakers, can deliver high quality eCommerce translations.
Natural, seo-optimized, sales-oriented translations that make a difference.
All websites and eCommerce stores are translated and proofread by professional translators, always native speakers of the target language: Spanish, French, German, Italian, etc. Only human translators can fine tune translations to target your eCommerce essential goal: sell products to human customers.
Our translators are online marketing experts with a proven track record of success in translating eCommerce of all kinds. They know the language but more importantly they know how to make translations sound convincing, engaging, trustworthy... Their translations will definitely improve your conversion rate and boost your sales.
We only recommend MT for large eCommerce projects with very tight budgets / deadlines.
Discover our Neural Machine Translation + Human Translator post-editing services.
Machine Translation has improved a lot since 2015, but it still has lights and shadows.
The good news is that "neural" machine translations sound quite natural. Quality is quite good if you translate into Spanish (90%). This is great given MT can reduce costs and deadlines up to 90%.
But quality decreases quickly if you translate into French (85%), German (80%) ...
MT should only be used for projects that can't be carried out by human translators: e.g. urgent launch of an eCommerce with 10.0000 products that needs to be translated into English or Spanish overnight.
Use professional MTs, not free generic MTs (like Google and DeepL), and always have a human translator review the most relevant pages of your eCommerce.
All our translators have been trained to provide seo-friendly translations.
On top of that, we can provide high value expert SEO services for businesses targeting the Spanish market.
All our translators have been trained to provide seo-friendly translations. By default they try to identify high value keywords, carefully translate titles and H1 and H2 headings to include different keywords, avoid the use of pronoms, try to use question-answer structures, etc.
We provide exclusive SEO, WPO, UX and CRO services to our eCommerce translation clients wanting to enter the Spanish market, through one of Spain's most relevant SEO consultants.
Let us hekp you boost your rankings in Google Spain SERPs. Ask for a free initial consultation.
Big eCommerce stores with price/time priority usually ask for low-cost Machine Translation.
Quality focused eCommerce businesses prefer to invest a bit more to get the best possible human translation.
Either way, get in touch with us, and we will find the best option to adapt to your needs.
How much does it cost to professionally translate an eCommerce website?
Spanish, French and Italian eCommerce translation, starting at just €0.09 per word.
Get in touch to and we'll make sure you get our best eCommerce translation offer.
When possible, please attach the xml or csv export files that need translating, so we can send a detailed quote.
We translate eCommerce websites into Spanish, French, Italian, German and other languages.
But Spanish leads our eCommerce translation ranking with more than 100 sites translated in 2022.
We have a passion for what we do, and that leads us to care for each eCommerce we translate.
This is the reason behind hundreds of 5-stars reviews from happy customers all around the world.
Sandro Monte
Leo Dunstead
Noah Kimber
Our expert support team is ready to help and will answer all your questions.
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IBIDEM GROUP Ltd. was established in 2003, by virtue of deed 4124 granted in Spain by the Notary Santiago García Ortiz, and registered at the Commercial Registry of Barcelona (Spain), volume 36.206, sheet 0063, page 280795, with TVA number ESB63391445.
Offices in 5 European countries:
- Spain (Barcelone). +34 932684085
- UK (London). +44 2071579870
- France (Paris). +33 173794450
- Germany (Berlin). +49 3088789562
- Italy (Rome). +393517814942