Spanish translation of an English article contributed by Miss Eleanor Krawitz and published by Frank da Cruz,...
These are the latest free Spanish translations our translators, editors and students have been working on. They are all relevant, interesting or just amusing texts published originaly in English and translated here into Spanish by translation students. All translations have been carried out by soon-to-be professional translators. In some cases, translators have edited a translation draft produced by one of our machine translation engines (a process called PEMT). This helps us evaluate and fine tune those MT systems, and educate translators to work efficiently on pretranslated texts. Given they are free translation exercises, there can be some minor errors. If you need a professional translation into Spanish, get in touch with us here.
Spanish translation of an English article contributed by Miss Eleanor Krawitz and published by Frank da Cruz,...
An interesting article by Sebastian Ruder, Google research scientist based in Berlin, Germany, working on natural...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Eric Jang, a passionate software developper with vast experience...
An interesting article about Christopher Alexander written by Nikos Angelos Salingaros, an Australian-born Greek...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Subrahmanya Joshi, AIOps Engineer (Artificial Intelligence for IT...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Richard Bowen, a Ph.D. researcher on viral diseases that affect...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Fabien Petitcolas, Ph.D. in computer science from the University...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Gary T. Marx is Professor Emeritus from M.I.T. He has worked in...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Wai Foong, senior AI engineer and content writer specialized in...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Brian Martin, Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting text by François Faucher. An introduction to flamenco by a classical guitar...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Eeva-Jonna Panula, a Finnish front end developer and...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Mark F. Wiser, associate professor and researcher with a special...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Ted Goertzel, Emeritus Professor in the Sociology Department at...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Stephanie Seneff, is a senior research scientist at the Computer...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting bio by Dalibor Froncek, Ph.D. at McMaster University in Hamilton.
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Ron Roizen, author of the book "The Rossi Murder: and the...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Peter Meyer, B.A. in philosophy and mathematics and M. Phil. in...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Peter McGraw, a remarkable behavioral economist, business school...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article about Early American Literature by Paul P. Ruben, Ph.D. Professor...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Frank Sottile, mathematics PhD interested in numerical algebraic...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Michael Rogge, Dutch photographer, videographer, and amateur...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Devi Parikh Associate Professor @Georgia Tech. Research Director...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article about the IBM 650, the first computer for general and commercial...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Nixie Adams, a freelance commercial German/English marketing and...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Louis Bouchard, AI advocate, writter, and speaker. Co-founder &...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Kyle Gallatin, software engineer for machine learning...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Abid Ali Awan, a certified data scientist professional, master in...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Eric Brasseur, enthusiast of various subjects, software, physics,...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting and usefulla article by Dr. Bruce Murray, professor of reading education in...
A free translation by Chema Bescos, a translator who loves to translate books into Spanish and Catalan An original...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Vic Shóstak, software engineer with over 13 years of practical...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Tapajyoti Bose, experienced web developer specializing in REACT,...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Peter Warden, CTO of Jetpac Inc, author of "The Public Data...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Thomas Tracey, an American engineering & product leader focused...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Peter Jang, Dean of Instruction at Actualize Coding Bootcamp.,...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Nick Taylor, a Canadian staff software engineer at Netlify,...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Michael Karén, master of science, computer systems networking...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Manish Shivanandhan, technical product manager at The Hub, and...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Joy Shaheb, software engineer at freeCodeCamp, css, nodejs,...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Jay Alammar, a brilliant ML research engineer, builder, writter...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Jaroslav Sklenar, associate professor of operations research in...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Eric Rodger Pianka, an American herpetologist and evolutionary...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Davis David, a data scientist with a background in Computer...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Conor O'Sullivan, an Irish data scientist who likes to write...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Bekhruz (Bex) Tuychiev, machine learning engineer and data...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Aman Anand Rai, a Data Science & Machine Learning enthusiast...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Alan Zisman, a Vancouver, BC-based musician and technology...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Adriano Raiano, bachelor in computer science, software architect,...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Philippe Martin, a French software engineer working for Red Hat.
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by J. Strother Moore, Emeritus Professor in Computing Theory in the...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Jakub Pomykała a Polish backend developer interested in Software...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Dima Enns, a Russian software developer located in Germany. Dima...
Translation into Spanish of an interesting article by Benjamin Delespierre, CTO, PHP Expert, Laravel Artisan, Speaker...