We translate thousands of documents into English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
That's why we can offer top quality translations at the best market price in these 5 languages.
Translation pricing depends mostly on the complexity of the text and the language pair.
We focus on major languages, so we can really adjust rates and offer you the best market price.
Unbeatable prices for translations into the most common languages.
There are agencies that try to deal with everything. Well, not us! We believe that you can't do everything well, so we prefer to focus on what we do best. That's why at Ibidem we only translate documents (not films), only into major languages (not Urdu, etc.), and only related to subjects we are confident about: legal, marketing, technical, etc.
As we're much more focused than other agencies, we translate larger volumes and can offer better prices. As we only translate documents into major languages, and when these are in the fields of business, marketing and legal, we can lower and adjust our prices without compromising the quality of the translations.
As we translate large volumes, we can offer very competitive translation rates.
Rates for basic translations for our most common languages.
Spanish Translation |
€0.08 |
French Translation | €0.08 |
German Translation | €0.09 |
Italian Translation | €0.08 |
Portuguese Translation | €0.08 |
Russian Translation |
€0.10 |
Polish Translation | €0.12 |
Arabic Translation | €0.15 |
Chinese Translation | €0.12 |
Japanese Translation | €0.15 |
Catalan Translation |
€0.08 |
Galician Translation | €0.10 |
Basque Translation | €0.12 |
The cost of a translation depends on the language, difficulty, format and delivery time.
Common languages such as Spanish or French cost €0.08 per word.
Specialised translations cost 1 or 2 cents more. For example, a legal translation into Spanish would cost €0.09 per word.
An Official Sworn Translation into Spanish, would cost €0.12.
We can translate any non-editable file such as images or scanned pages, we also extract from PDF into Word, but this increases the price by 10%. Translations on HTML carry a 20% surcharge.
We can return very urgent translations within 24 hours, but these carry a surcharge of +30%.
If we detect sentences with lots of repetitions (over 75%), we'll apply a discount of between 50 and 100%.
Group everything you need translating, and we'll provide a discount as of 10,000 words.
Our prices are very competitive, but if you help us, they can be even cheaper.
Avoid translating 50 words today and 100 tomorrow... Translate everything together and it will be cheaper. Discounts as of 10,000 words.
Avoid cross-translations (i.e. from Italian to German), as these are more expensive and the delivery times are longer.
We can translate scanned documents, images, Illustrator files, etc. But it is cheaper to translate from Word or Excel.
We can translate urgent documents in 24 hours, but they carry a 30% surcharge.
Titles, diplomas, certificates, deeds... If they need to be presented before a Public Body, then you probably need a Sworn Translation. But make sure, Sworn translations cost 30% more.
If you need a technical translation, provide us with terminology, as this will avoid documentation costs.
Tell us what you need translating and into which languages: English, French...and however many others.
If you have the original, please provide it so we can give you with an exact quote.
Our expert support team is ready to help and will answer all your questions.
Tel. +34 932684085 Tel. +44 2071579870 info@ibidemgroup.comLEGAL NOTICE & COOKIES.
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IBIDEM GROUP Ltd. was established in 2003, by virtue of deed 4124 granted in Spain by the Notary Santiago García Ortiz, and registered at the Commercial Registry of Barcelona (Spain), volume 36.206, sheet 0063, page 280795, with TVA number ESB63391445.
Offices in 5 European countries:
- Spain (Barcelone). +34 932684085
- UK (London). +44 2071579870
- France (Paris). +33 173794450
- Germany (Berlin). +49 3088789562
- Italy (Rome). +393517814942
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