Experts in translating websites, CMS, eCommerce stores and Apps.
Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese...
At Ibidem Group, we're experts in web development. We work with native translators in Spanish, French, German and many other languages. Invest in a professional translation and boost your web traffic!
We mainly translate corporate websites, Wordpress, CMS, Prestashop and Magento eCommerce stores, as well as iOs and Android mobile Apps.
Spanish, French and German are our all-time classics, but Russian and Chinese are very popular right now for web translations.
What language do your clients speak?
Translation of basic HTML websites, as well as Wordpress and other CMS.
Prestashop and Magento eCommerce technology experts.
Most companies have basic websites, programmed in HTML, with the classical section-based structure: Company, Services, Contact, etc.
More recent websites tend to be programmed on a CMS or Wordpress-type content manager, that enables online editing of content posts.
Online stores and eCommerce sites using Prestashop and Magento technology, content databases, .Po language files, etc.
Get your web page translated into the most popular languages:
Spanish, French, Italian, Catalan, Portuguese, German, Russian or Chinese.
Corporate websites for small B2B and B2B companies.
Free web-to-Word content extraction, for a convenient and economic translation.
Informational websites, with the typical sections: About us, Services, Contact, etc. Small websites, tend not to have more than 25 to 50 pages of unique content, programmed in HTML.
We translate all sort of websites on a daily basis into all major languages: Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Italian. And now also into Russian, Chinese and Arabic.
The easiest and most cost-effective system is to extract the text to Word, and translate it directly from there. We'll deal with this website text extraction free of charge, and we'll deliver a Word document with the same layout as the website, so it'll be very easy for your web designer to identify each text and to layout the new translated version of the website.
Very reasonable prices for website translations.
Website translation into English from €0.08/word.
Direct translation on code, the safest and most professional method for translating websites
Any type of website, large or small, in HTML or PHP. It is essential that the code has been properly programmed, free of errors. We translate HTML, PHP and XML files, as well as TXT files, javascripts with error messages, databases, etc.
Website translation on HTML into Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese and Arabic.
The client sends us a zip file containing the HTML files to be translated. Our software isolates and blocks the code labels, so the translators can only edit and translate the contents. This is the safest and most agile method, as we deliver an identical replica of the website translated into the desired language.
Website translation on HTML at reasonable prices.
Website translation into Spanish from €0.09/word.
Translation of eCommerce websites: Prestashop, Magento, etc.
Experts in translating virtual stores and eCommerce, especially Prestashop and Magento.
Prestashop and Magento eCommerce translation into Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Chinese and Arabic.
Prestashop and Magento offer an official translation for all their "parameters" and "text strings" (frontoffice, backoffice, error messages, invoice, email templates, etc.). In order to translate static text and content (products, etc), the best approach is to export DDBBs to .csv or .xml files.
Translate your eCommerce from just €0.09/word.
Translating blogs and websites with Content Managers / Wordpress-type CMS
A content manager or CMS is a website application that allows online access and to add and edit the contents of a website. The best known is Wordpress but any programmer can create one to measure in PHP, Joomla, etc.
Translating a CMS from inside, accessing as editor is a slow and therefore expensive process. Initially, it is much better to export to csv or xml. And then, maintain and update on the CMS.
Translation of Wordpress / CMS from €0.09/word.
There are many types of web pages and many ways of translating them
Send us the originals in Word, HTML, Csv or another format, or call us if you have any questions. You'll have an exact quote within an hour.
Delivery of the translation in Word, Csv or HTML. Free additional on-screen review of the translation, once all texts have been uploaded and the website is live.
All our website translation projects include a final free online review.
Once the translation is finished and uploaded onto the website, we'll check it to make sure everything is perfect.
We're experts in website translation and internet communication.
But we also have extensive experience in international SEO for European countries.
We can improve the quality of your original texts in English or Spanish: check the wording and style, refine writing and editing techniques, improve the marketing bias, etc. Ask us!
All our translations are SEO friendly, but we can also provide country-specific SEO, WPO and UX services, to help boost your ranking results in Google Spain, Google France, etc.
Software requires much more than a simple translation. Get your software localized to each target country by local specialists.
Ask us about any query or question regarding your translation project.
Tel. +44 2071579870 info@ibidemgroup.comLEGAL NOTICE & COOKIES. Alike most other websites, we also use cookies by Google Analytics to track
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IBIDEM GROUP Ltd. was established in 2003, by virtue of deed 4124 granted in Spain by the Notary Santiago García Ortiz, and registered at the Commercial Registry of Barcelona (Spain), volume 36.206, sheet 0063, page 280795, with TVA number ESB63391445.
Offices in 5 European countries:
- Spain (Barcelone). +34 932684085
- UK (London). +44 2071579870
- France (Paris). +33 173794450
- Germany (Berlin). +49 3088789562
- Italy (Rome). +393517814942